Imagination Solar Marketing

Imagination Solar specializes in branding, marketing and advertising solar and green tech companies. We understand the opportunities and challenges of the industry and take a strategic and creative approach to everything we do. Our work for solar and renewables includes branding and rebranding existing firms and start-ups, full service advertising and marketing and project work for all media. Some of our recent work for the industry has been covered by NBC, NPR and USA Today.

From strategy to concept to finished production, we do it all at our mountaintop studios, eliminating outside costs while providing a holisitic, integrated approach for our clients. We’re passionate about our work and the growth of our clients. Focusing on growth in the climate change economy is our way of contributing to a brighter future for everyone.

We’d love to talk with you about your goals, challenges and opportunities. Even better, we’d like to invite you to spend a day at our mountain retreat.

Our Work

Marketing Services

  • Full Service Agency
  • Brand Building
  • Strategic Planning
  • Media Placement and Management
  • Traditional and Digital Advertising
  • Public and Press Relations

Production Services

  • Television Spots and Corporate Film
  • Web Design and Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Radio Spots

  • Photography
  • Trade Show and Exhibit Design

The Imagination Company has made a world of difference in our growth. They have taken our brand to a new level, and the marketing they’re doing for us has us busier than ever imagined. We can’t keep up with the leads!

Dan Kinney, Founding Partner, Catamount Solar

The Imagination Company, a cross between an amusement park ride and a marketing firm. They are a fascinating Vermont company with an incredible breadth of skill on everything from web design, advertising, and copywriting to video and display production.

Steve Costello, VP, Green Mountain Power

I am very pleased with the new design and functionality of our website. Kristen has worked closely with us adding content and better design to improve the user experience and boost our rankings on Google.

Bob Lewis, VP Sales, Norwich Solar Technologies

I could easily write for hours detailing the incredible diversity of talent and creativity which The Imagination Company brings to the table, however, let it suffice to say that I strongly recommend them for any business, existing or start-up. They will not disappoint, and their services have been essential to my success.

John Wish, COO, LEDdynamics

I’m a strong believer that presenting a well-crafted message that grabs attention and speaks to your target audience is just as important as the amount and type of media you buy to reach them. That’s why The Imagination Company has been my creative partner of choice for many years and in a variety of business settings. It’s a small shop. They listen to my needs and my budget, and they always deliver imaginative, creative messages that attract and delight customers.

Rhonda Turman, Marketing Director, NSVRC

Visit Our Mountain Retreat

There’s no better way to learn about your company’s goals, opportunities or challenges than a day (and night) at our mountaintop creative retreat. The Imagination House combines an intimate meeting space, studio and hospitality suite situated on our 200 acre Morgan Horse farm nestled high in the Green Mountains. Our miles of forest trails provide a one-of-a-kind natural environment that has inspired a lot of big ideas and solutions for our clients. We’d love to have you up to hike or snowshoe, hang with the horses, and wine and dine with us. 

Call (802)234-5809

Contact Us

We’d love to talk with you about how we could help your company reach its growth goals in the near and long term. Drop us an email or give us a call and you’ll hear right back from the big dogs – the owners, not the Labs.