One of our greatest passions is helping communities meet challenges of growth and financial prosperity, using innovative strategies, placemaking and storytelling.

We were chosen by the BADC, the development organization for both Barre City and Barre Town, to develop and execute a multi-year program to brand the region and address what we call the Three Pillars of Growth: new businesss, new residents, and new visitors. 

We started with two months of discovery that included group forums of business, institutional and municipal leaders, and the countless one-on-one lunches, coffee and drinks with the same.

From there we presented the new Barre Vermont, Rock Solid brand, and an initial strategy to go forward. In phase two, we produced 17 films and a three-portal web experience focused on each of the pillars of growth.

After a launch of the new vision to a crowded house at the Barre Opera House hosted by Governor Phil Scott, we developed and presented a strategy to gain the support of both the city council and town select board going forward. During that presentation process, we prepared an outline to serve as the start of the third and ongoing phase – implementation of an innovative and detailed strategic growth plan.